30th September
Dear parents and carers,
Re-opening of the academy
As I explained in my last letter, we unfortunately had to close the academy due to some confirmed cases in some year groups, and within our staff team.
Nursery, Reception, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 will open on Thursday 1st October.
Parents you will get a text today about start times for your child.
Year 1 – Due to staffing numbers, we will be reopening to Year 1 on Monday 5th October.
As you know from my previous letters, we have taken every precaution to make the academy safe. So that we can stay open we are asking that:
- Everyone will be required to wash their hands when they enter the school
- Pupils will stay in class group bubbles so as to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus
- Pupils will start and finish school at different times, using different entrances. We will text each year group the times, and entrances, they are to come to school
- To help keep the academy free from coronavirus, parents will only be able to communicate with teachers via school phone or email (0121 464 4228/ enquiry@oasisboulton.org ) or via class emails which are on the website for each year group).
- We ask for parents to wear face masks, and to stand 2 metres apart during pick-up and drop-off.
- Staff will wear visors at all times when teaching, and masks as well when they cannot be socially distant.
- Only staff that are well will be back in school
- We will thoroughly clean the academy every day, and we have conducted a deep clean while the academy has been closed
- The academy is set up to ensure different age groups of children do not mix to help reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus.
We are only able to stay open if everyone follows the above rules – please remember to wear a mask and to stand apart when dropping off or picking up your children and please do not talk to the staff on the gate.
Thank you for your understanding during this disruption. We are so excited to see the children again, and to re-open.
Best wishes,
Mrs S Rathore