Home Learning
Remote Learning
- The Remote Curriculum
- Remote teaching and study time
- Accessing the remote education
- Engagement and feedback
- Additional support for pupils with particular needs
- Self-isolating pupils (outside of national lockdowns)
The Remote Curriculum
What is taught to pupils at home ?
The academy will try to deliver the full curriculum to children, as it would be delivered if the children were learning in the academy. The curriculum offer will remain broad, balanced and exciting and one that encompasses the EYFS, KS1 and KS2 National Curriculum.
There may be some adjustments that need to be made to the existing topic based curriculum for practical subjects such as: PE, Art, Design and Technology and Music. Some may still be topic based and have a themed approach whilst others will be taught individually.
How will my child be taught within the first few days of remote education?
If your child needs to engage in remote learning, due to self-isolation, bubble closure or whole school closure, your child will need to access their learning via timetables on Microsoft TEAMs. If your child is in Nursery, you will access learning on the school website.
Remote teaching and study time
How long should my child access remote learning ?
(All figures are a minimum amount of time and reflect latest government expectations)
EYFS up to 3 hours per day
Key Stage 1 ( Years 1 and 2) 3 hours per day
Key Stage 2 ( Years 3,4,5,and 6) 4 hours per day
These times include both live lessons or pre- recorded videos, the work pupils are set after these as well as other sessions such as times tables practice and reading.
Accessing the remote education
How will my child access the online remote education ?
Pupils in years R-year 5, will be able to log into Microsoft TEAMs for their learning. If your child is in Nursery, they will access learning on the academy website. In both of these areas, your child will be able to find their lessons and work resources. Please see further information on how to access remote learning on our website or in your parent guides provided.
If my child does not have access to online learning at home, how will you support this?
We will do our best to support any children without access to a device or the internet. We will do this through the roll out of our horizons project which is due to start in April. This will ensure that all children will have an appropriate device to access our home learning offer. Click here for details of the Horizons Project.
For now, where pupils do not have access to devices and internet, we will contact you to discuss the other avenues of support that may be available.
How will my child be taught remotely?
We will use a variety of approaches to teach pupils remotely, best suited to circumstances, topic and age. We will ensure that year 6 have daily live lessons and check ins through Microsoft TEAMS. Years R to 5 have a combination of live check-in sessions with their teacher, pre-recorded lessons Nursery will have access to pre-recorded lessons which can be accessed through the academy website.
Engagement and feedback
What are the expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide ?
We expect every pupil to engage in lessons as they would in the classroom and similarly our staff will be checking understanding in the same manner as well. This could take the form of online quizzes, marking/assessment of assignments, work returned to us by email or in-class engagement.
Pupil behaviour practices are expected to be in line with those within the academy and additional rules are in place for things such as microphones and camera use, raising hands or class conversation using Microsoft TEAMS.
We understand that parental engagement is important to make online learning successful and therefore we endeavour to communicate regularly with you around how remote learning is going. You will receive a weekly report to share how your child is doing (please see our parent guides to see how this works.) We will be there to offer support on how to access the information remotely around resources, lessons and your child’s attendance, behaviour and engagement.
We ask that you support your child by being present whilst they are learning, creating a quiet place for them to attend lessons at home and not to record any lessons for your own use due to GDPR and data protection.
How will you check whether your child is engaging with their work and how will you be informed if there are any concerns?
We will be checking in with children during lessons and online- check in sessions to ensure we have a good overview of their understanding and engagement. Online quizzes and assessment tools help us to see how many children are actively engaging in lessons and will help us monitor attendance. Your child’s weekly report will show a lot of this information.
If there are any concerns we will ensure that we are in contact with you as parents and carers by telephone each week.
How will my child’s work be assesses and their progress?
We will assess your child’s progress through work submitted daily via Microsoft TEAMS, engagement through questions in lessons, using online quizzes/marking tools and other work returned by email and other agreed communication. This will help us identify the needs of the individual or the needs of the class quickly and effectively. In year 6, as part of their meeting sessions on the timetable, teachers will address any misconceptions from the previous day. For Nursery children, assessment and feedback will be made through the use of phone calls from school to home, shared photos and videos that show the children engaging in their learning.
Additional support for pupils with particular needs
How will you work with me to help my child who need additional support at home to access the curriculum ?
We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND,) may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families and we will work with parents and carers to support the children in the following ways:
· Differentiated activities for independent work as per normal classroom practice
· Emotional and social support from the Academy Pastoral Teams with 1-2-1 support video calls
· The SENCO also has telephone check- ins to support individual families
We work closely with our multi agency teams to offer telephone and video support whilst families are at home. Parents are also directed to access free webinars which cover a range of SEN needs to support with strategies at home. This provides our families with a network of support within the local community. Parents are also supported with a range of age and developmental appropriate free online portals which children can enjoy at home through the A2E website. https://accesstoeducation.birmingham.gov.uk/
Self-isolating pupils (outside of national lockdowns)
If my child is not in school because they are self-isolating, how will their remote education differ from that of the rest of the class?
The provision for self-isolating pupils may differ in approach but not in curriculum content. Years R-6 will have slides or pre-recorded lessons available through TEAMS each week. Nursery will access their learning via an interactive timetable on our Academy website.
With the national lockdown and schools reduced opening procedures we have now moved all classes working online. You can scroll down watch the 'bubble closure' video to see how to access home learning.
Below is information that is designed to support parents and students to understand the remote learning offer at our academy:
· Video to show how to access TEAMs
· Parent guides
· Knowledge organisers (these will be sent through email by the teacher)
· E safety videos (please watch before accessing lesson)
If you have any questions at all, please contact your child’s class teacher via email
Click here to watch a tutorial on how to access TEAMS.
Click here to view a guide on how to access live teaching via TEAMS for EYFS.
Click here to view a guide on how to access live teaching via TEAMS for Years 1 to 5.
Click here to view a guide on how to access live teaching via TEAMS for Year 6.
Click here to view a tutorial on how to join a live meeting through Microsoft TEAMS.
Please click one of the tabs below to view our previous resources and timetables
- March 2020 Lockdown - Resources & Timetables
- January 2021 Lockdown - Resources & Timetables
- March 2021 - Resources & Timetables
- Website Links
March 2020 Lockdown - Resources & Timetables
Nursery Home Learning
If you need to contact your child's class teacher about home learning or additional support please email Nursery@oasisboulton.org Please select one of the links below to access online learning for your child:
Cbeebies Games- A variety of educational games. More suitable for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2- https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/games
Phonics Play- Phonic games to play. Most suitable for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Username: march20 Password: home
Reception Home Learning
If you need to contact your child's class teacher about home learning or additional support please email Reception@oasisboulton.org
Reception activities to keep you busy!
1. READING – listen to your child read and read stories to them. Ask them questions about the stories to improve their comprehension skills.
2. KEY WORDS – practise your child’s key words with them, practise recognising and spelling them. Get your children to write them down!
3. WEBSITES – ‘Twinkl’ have free resource packs specifically for Reception aged children.
https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/eyfs-school-closure-home-learning-resource-pack-t-tp- 2549362
‘Letters and Sounds’ have free resources and games available to support your child with their phonics.
‘Phonics play’ and ‘Education city’ have great interactive games that your children will be familiar with.
4. WRITING – write a description of someone who helps us in the community for our topic next term e.g. doctors, fire fighters, police etc.
5. HOMEWORK – look through your homework book and practise things that we have previously taught.
SOUNDS AND DIGRAPHS – practise recognising and writing all the sounds and digraphs we have learnt so far. Write words containing these and make sure the letter formation is correct.
Please select one of the links below to access online learning for your child:
Cbeebies Games- A variety of educational games. More suitable for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2- https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/games
Phonics Play- Phonic games to play. Most suitable for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ Username: march20 Password: home
Teach your Monster to Read - https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com
Please click on one of the following numbers below to access more home learning resources for your child:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Year 1 Home Learning
f you need to contact your child's class teacher about home learning or additional support please email Year1@oasisboulton.org
Please select one of the links below to access online learning for your child:
Cbeebies Games- A variety of educational games. More suitable for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2- https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/games
Phonics Play- Phonic games to play. Most suitable for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Username: march20 Password: home
Year 2 Home Learning
If you need to contact your child's class teacher about home learning or additional support please email Year2@oasisboulton.org
Please select one of the links below to access online learning for your child:
Cbeebies Games- A variety of educational games. More suitable for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2- https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/games
Phonics Play- Phonic games to play. Most suitable for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Username: march20 Password: home
Year 3 Home Learning
If you need to contact your child's class teacher about home learning or additional support please email Year3@oasisboulton.org
Please select one of the links below to access online learning for your child:
Education Quizzes-Education quizzes on different subjects. Suitable for all- https://www.educationquizzes.com/
Corbettmaths Primary-Maths work for KS2- https://corbettmathsprimary.com/
Year 4 Home Learning
If you need to contact your child's class teacher about home learning or additional support please email Year4@oasisboulton.org
Please select one of the links below to access online learning for your child:
Music Lessons :
Musical Instruments 1 and Music Word Search Questions 1
Education Quizzes-Education quizzes on different subjects. Suitable for all- https://www.educationquizzes.com/
Corbettmaths Primary-Maths work for KS2- https://corbettmathsprimary.com/
Year 5 Home Learning
If you need to contact your child's class teacher about home learning or additional support please email Year5@oasisboulton.org
Please select one of the links below to access online learning for your child:
Education Quizzes-Education quizzes on different subjects. Suitable for all- https://www.educationquizzes.com/
Corbettmaths Primary-Maths work for KS2- https://corbettmathsprimary.com/
Year 6 Home Learning
If you need to contact your child's class teacher about home learning or additional support please email Year6@oasisboulton.org
Please select one of the links below to access online learning for your child:
Education Quizzes-Education quizzes on different subjects. Suitable for all- https://www.educationquizzes.com/
Corbettmaths Primary-Maths work for KS2- https://corbettmathsprimary.com
SEN home learning support
If you need to contact our SENDco about home learning or additional support please email enquiry@oasisboulton.org
Please select one of the links below to access online SEN support and home learning for your child:
SEN Online Home Learning Timetable
BBC Bitesize-https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zh9v382
Cbeebies Games- A variety of educational games. More suitable for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2- https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/games
Phonics Play- Phonic games to play. Most suitable for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ Username: march20 Password: home
Below are links where you can access the latest child friendly guidance around Corona Virus and how to discuss this sensitively with your children:
Place2Be – Guide to helping parents answer questions from their children and to support family wellbeing: https://www.place2be.org.uk/about-us/news-and-blogs/2020/march/coronavirus-information-for-children
Young Minds - Talking to your child about Coronavirus and 10 tips from their parents Helpline to support family wellbeing: https://young,minds.org.uk/blog/talking-to-your-child-about-coronavirus
National Autistic Society – guidance and helpline for parents’, young people and staff: https://www.autism.org.uk/services/nas-schools/vanguard/news/2020/march/coronavirus-(covid-19)-advice.aspx
Additional Free Support:
Do you as a parent or carer at home with your children during the school shut down, feel that you need someone to talk to about how you can cope with this challenging time for families?
Birmingham Educational Psychology Service is providing a telephone helpline for any parent or car-ers of children, who feel they would benefit from a consultation with a psychologist to support them with any concerns arising at this time, for them or their families.
Areas of concern you may wish to discuss could include:
• Anxiety around the current situation and its impact on your children and family.
• Supporting you to support your children’s emotional needs.
• Concerns about family relationships.
• Concerns about friendships, learning, daily structure and activities.
• How to best look after yourself so you can support your children.
The concerns can be related to school or family life.
You will be offered an initial telephone consultation of 30 minutes with a psychologist and a poten-tial follow up session of another 30-minute consultation at a later date. These will be Monday-Friday, within standard working hours.
If you would like to access this service please email: Isabel.Gregson@birmingham.gov.uk with the following information:
• Your name
• The telephone number you would like to be contacted on.
• The name of your child’s school.
• Times and dates you are not available for a consultation.
• Whether an interpreter is required for you to access this service.
We will aim to get back to you within 2 working days to confirm a time and date for your consulta-tion.
This service will, as far as possible, be confidential.
Educational psychologist telephone helpline for parents and carers
January 2021 Lockdown - Resources & Timetables
Nursery Timetables
Please click on the following link to view our Nursery weekly timetable for learning:
Nursery timetable - week commencing 1st June 2020
Nursery timetable - week commencing 8th June 2020
Nursery timetable - week commencing 15th June 2020
Nursery timetable - week commencing 22nd June 2020
Numbots Competition and Reading Competition
Nursery timetable - week commencing 29th June 2020
Nursery timetable - week commencing 6th July 2020
Nursery timetable - week commencing 13th July 2020
Nursery timetable - week commencing 14th September 2020
Nursery timetable - week commencing 21st September 2020
Nursery timetable - week commencing 28th September 2020
Nursery timetable - week commencing 5th October 2020
Nursery timetable - week commencing 12th October 2020
Nursery timetable - week commencing 19th October 2020
Nursery timetable - week commencing 2nd November 2020
Nursery timetable - week commencing 9th November 2020
Nursery timetable - week commencing 16th November 2020
Nursery timetable - week commencing 23rd November 2020
Nursery timetable - week commencing 30th November 2020
Nursery timetable - week commencing 7th December 2020
Nursery timetable - week commencing 14th December 2020
Nursery timetable - week commencing 4th January 2021
Nursery timetable - week commencing 11th January 2021
Nursery timetable - week commencing 18th January 2021
Nursery timetable - week commencing 25th January 2021
Reception Timetables
Please click on the following link to view the Reception weekly timetable for learning:
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 1st June 2020
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 8th June 2020
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 15th June 2020
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 22nd June 2020
Numbots Competition and Reading Competition
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 29th June 2020
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 6th July 2020
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 13th July 2020
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 14th September 2020
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 21st September 2020
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 28th September 2020
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 5th October 2020
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 12th October 2020
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 19th October 2020
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 2nd November 2020
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 9th November 2020
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 16th November 2020
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 23rd November 2020
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 30th November 2020
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 7th December 2020
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 14th December 2020
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 4th January 2021
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 11th January 2021
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 18th January 2021
Reception Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 25th January 2021
Year 1 Timetables
Please click on the following link to view the Year 1 weekly timetable for learning:
Year 1- Weekly Timetable-W/C: 1st June 2020
Year 1- Weekly Timetable-W/C: 8th June 2020
Year 1- Weekly Timetable - W/C: 15th June 2020
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 22nd June 2020
Times Table Rock Stars Competition and MyOn Reading Competition
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 29th June 2020
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable- W/C: 6th July 2020
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 13th July 2020
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 14th September 2020
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 21st September 2020
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 28th September 2020
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 5th October 2020
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 12th October 2020
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 19th October 2020
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 2nd November 2020
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 9th November 2020
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 16th November 2020
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 23rd November 2020
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 30th November 2020
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 7th December 2020
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 14th December 2020
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 4th January 2021
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable - W/C 11th January 2021
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 18th January 2021
Year 1 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 25th January 2021
Year 2 Timetables
Please click on the following link to view the Year 2 weekly timetable for learning:
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 1st June 2020
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 8th June 2020
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 15th June 2020
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 22nd June 2020
Times Table Rock Stars Competition and MyOn Reading Competition
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 29th June 2020
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 6th July 2020
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 13th July 2020
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 14th September 2020
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 21st September 2020
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 28th September 2020
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 5th October 2020
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 12th October 2020
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 19th October 2020
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 2nd November 2020
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 9th November 2020
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 16th November 2020
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 23rd November 2020
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 30th November 2020
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 7th December 2020
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 14th December 2020
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 4th January 2021
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 11th January 2021
Year 2 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 18th January 2021
Year 2 - Weekly timetable - W/C: 25th January 2021
Year 3 Timetables
Please click on the following link to view the Year 3 weekly timetable for learning:
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 1st June 2020
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 8th June 2020
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 15th June 2020
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 22nd June 2020
Times Table Rock Stars Competition and MyOn Reading Competition
Year 3 Class -Weekly Timetable - W/C: 29th June 2020
Year 3 Class - weekly Timetable - W/C: 6th July 2020
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 13th July 2020
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 14th September 2020
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 21st September 2020
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 28th September 2020
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 5th October 2020
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 12th October 2020
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 19th October 2020
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 2nd November 2020
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 9th November 2020
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 16th November 2020
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 23rd November 2020
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 30th November 2020
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 7th December 2020
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 14th December 2020
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 4th January 2021
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W:C 11th January 2021
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 18th January 2021
Year 3 Class - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 25th January 2021
Year 4 Timetables
Please click on the following links to view the Year 4 weekly timetable for learning and the activities to go with it:
Year 4 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 1st June 2020
Year 4 Writing Activity and Year 4 E-Safety Activity
Year 4 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 8th June 2020
Year 4 Maths Activity Resources
Year 4 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 15th June 2020
Year 4 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 22nd June 2020
Year 4 - Maths Activity Pack for Friday Week 4
Times Table Rock Stars Competition and MyOn Reading Competition
Year 4 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 29th June 2020
Year 4 Maths Activity Pack for Friday Week 5
Year 4 Maths - Weekly Timetable- W/C: 6th July 2020
Resources: Lesson 1 C1, C2, C3 Lesson 2 C1, C2, C3 Friday Activity Pack
Year 4 Weekly Timetable - W/C: 13th July 2020
Year 4 Weekly Timetable - W/C: 14th September 2020
Year 4 Weekly Timetable - W/C: 21st September 2020
Year 4 Weekly Timetable - W/C: 28th September 2020
Year 4 Weekly Timetable - W/C: 5th October 2020
Year 4 Weekly Timetable - W/C: 12th October 2020
Year 4 Weekly Timetable - W/C: 19th October 2020
Year 4 Weekly Timetable - W/C: 2nd November 2020
Year 4 Weekly Timetable - W/C: 9th November 2020
Year 4 Weekly Timetable - W/C: 16th November 2020
Year 4 Weekly Timetable - W/C: 23rd November 2020
Year 4 Weekly Timetable - W/C: 30th November 2020
Year 4 Weekly Timetable - W/C: 7th December 2020
Year 4 Weekly Timetable - W/C: 14th December 2020
Year 4 Weekly Timetable - W/C: 4th January 2021
Year 4 Weekly Timetable - W/C: 11th January 2021
Year 4 Weekly Timetable - W/C: 18th January 2021
Year 4 Weekly Timetable - W/C: 25th January 2021
Year 5 Timetables
Please click on the following link to view the Year 5 weekly timetable for learning and writing activity:
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 1st June 2020
Year 5 - Weekly Writing Activity - W/C: 1st June 2020
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 8th June 2020
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 15th June 2020
Year 5 - Weekly Handwriting Activity 15th June 2020
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 22nd June 2020
Times Table Rock Stars Competition and MyOn Reading Competition
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 29th June 2020
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 6th July 2020
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 13th July 2020
Year 5 - Join the dots investigation; Answers; Time investigation
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 14th September 2020
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 21st September 2020
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 28th September 2020
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 5th October 2020
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 12th October 2020
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 19th October 2020
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 2nd November 2020
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 9th November 2020
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 16th November 2020
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 23rd November 2020
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 30th November 2020
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 7th December 2020
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 14th December 2020
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 4th January 2021
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 11th January 2021
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 18th January 2021
Year 5 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 25th January 2021
Year 6 Timetables
Please click on the following link to view the Year 6 weekly timetable for learning:
Year 6 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 1st June 2020
Year 6 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 8th June 2020
Year 6 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 15th June 2020
Year 6 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 22nd June 2020
Times Table Rock Stars Competition and MyOn Reading Competition
Year 6 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 29th June 2020
Year 6 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 6th July 2020
Year 6 -Weekly Timetable - W/C: 12th July 2020
Year 6 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 14th September 2020
Year 6 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 21st September 2020
Year 6 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 28th September 2020
Year 6 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 5th October 2020
Year 6 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 12th October 2020
Year 6 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 19th October 2020
Year 6 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 2nd November 2020
Year 6 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 9th November 2020
Year 6 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 16th November 2020
Year 6 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 23rd November 2020
Year 6 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 30th November 2020
Year 6 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 7th December 2020
Year 6 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 14th December 2020
Year 6 - Weekly Timetable - W/C: 4th January 2021
Year 6 - Live teaching Timetable - W/C: 18th January 2021
Year 6 - Live teaching Timetable - W/C: 25th January 2021
March 2021 - Resources & Timetables
Website Links
BBC Bitesize- https://wwwbbc.co.uk/teach/bitesize-daily-schedules-teach/zdtwjhv
BBC Bitesize-https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
BBC Bitesize-https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zh9v382
TT Rock Stars- https://ttrockstars.com/
MYON- https://www.myon.co.uk/ Parent Guide to myON myON Video Tutorials (for Parents, Teachers and Pupils)
Accelerated Reader- Renaissance at Home (Including more Guides and Resources) Keeping the nation’s students reading!
White Rose Maths resources- https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/
SUM DOG- maths resource which is now offering free access for parents and children- https://pages.sumdog.com/sign-up/
Writing ideas- http://www.pobble365.com/
Twinkl are currently allowing free access to their resources. This covers the full curriculum. Once you have signed up, use the tabs at the top to search for the area you would like to look at- https://www.twinkl.co.uk/blog/how-to-utilise-twinkl-during-the-coronavirus-shutdown-a-guide-for-schools
Cbeebies Games- A variety of educational games. More suitable for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2- https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/games
Phonics Play- Phonic games to play. Most suitable for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Username: march20 Password: home
Education Quizzes-Education quizzes on different subjects. Suitable for all- https://www.educationquizzes.com/
Corbettmaths Primary-Maths work for KS2- https://corbettmathsprimary.com/