
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community


At Oasis Academy Boulton we believe that learning should be a journey of discovery and excitement at all stages filled with Experiences, Nurture and Success! Therefore we aim to provide challenging and engaging learning experiences both in and out of the classroom. Each child will have their own path to walk, their own journey, and we want to ensure that our curriculum and everyday teaching reflects this, so that everyone can end the year feeling like they are confident in their achievements and progress. 

In order to see the value in what they are learning our pupils' experiences should be firmly rooted in their day-to-day life. We want the lessons our children learn to carry with them outside of our classrooms and build the foundations of a passion for learning. In order to help us do this we want our parents parents to be in the know about what their children are learning each week.

To do this we provide a breakdown of what is taught in class in each topic. These are called our Curriculum Overviews. If your child comes home and says they did Art today, you can find out what the focus of Art is that term. If they can't describe what they were learning in Maths, you'll know what the topic is from the Guide. 

We follow the National Curriculum guidelines and also offer extra curricular opportunities for learning. Core Subjects covered in our curriculum are:

  • English Language and Literacy - speaking listening, reading, and writing
  • Phonics - we follow the Letters and Sounds phonics programme from Nursery upwards.
  • Speaking and Listening - effective and confident communication across audiences
  • Reading - we teach reading skills daily and have a wide selection of books to challenge our young people
  • Writing - creative and confident writing
  • Mathematics - numeracy, problem solving and reasoning
  • Science - learning to hypothesise, test predictions and draw conclusions about the world
  • Computing - basic ICT skills and e-safety
  • Religious Education - developing a mutual respect and understanding of different beliefs and cultures
  • Humanities - history and geography
  • Design Technology - building inquisitive and creative minds
  • Music - learning to play the recorder, understand how music can make us feel (extra opportunities for music lessons)
  • Art - mediums and perspectives
  • PSHE - British values, citizenship, sex and relationships
  • PE - swimming, athletics, football, netball, rounders
  • MFL - Spanish


Find out what your child is learning